It is the perfect family bag for leisure time. Towels, swimming gear, the picnic blanket or even the sports stuff of the whole family can comfortably find space in it. Two front and two side exterior pockets provide additional storage.
A removable pocket with Velcro closure helps keep the bag organized. It is the perfect place to store your wet swimwear. But also the wallet, smartphone and keys can be conveniently stored in it. Due to the reinforced bottom, the bag can be placed anywhere. With the help of a short Velcro fastener, the bag can be half closed. Additional ropes on the right and left side of the top of the bag serve as an additional closure.
By the comment of a family father to the middle Shopper, " the bag is much too small for the things of a whole family", the idea to the largest Shopper was born, so that with the family trip to the beach, on's boat or in's outdoor swimming pool everything can be packed and taken along fast and comfortably. Just perfect, water resistant, sturdy, lightweight and looks good to boot.
- Large spacious interior
- Large removable interior pocket with velcro closure attached to the interior with a rope
- Two open exterior pockets in front
- Two open exterior pockets on the right and left sides
- Short Velcro closure on the upper side of the bag
- Additional closure with ropes on the right and left side of the upper side
- Sturdy carrying straps attached to the bag with ropes
- White recycled sail
- Sewn-on technical recycled sail consisting of transparent laminate with welded Kevlar and carbon threads
- Stitching made of tear resistant UV resistant threads
- Carefully cleaned materials
- Hand washable
Dimensions: approx. 70 x 50 x 30 cm
Weight: approx. 950 gram
Material: white sail
Design: sail with Kevlar and carbon threads
Straps: Black
Ropes for straps: white, red or yellow
( Remark: Because of the different recycled sails and the available materials from the nautical field, each bag is unique. The shapes and sizes of the bags remain the same).
If not in stock Ready to ship in 8 days.